One Transgender Woman’s Story

This article was originally submitted to the Eastern PA Trans Equity Project for their profile series on transgender Pennsylvanians.

Something I am always careful to say is that I am but one person who happens to be trans, so I can only tell you what things are like from my perspective. But, I wouldn’t want to be anything other than I am…read more

Accessibility as the Default

Image description: a woman with a red shirt and purple gloves moves down a sidewalk in her pink-highlighted wheelchair.

This article was originally published to the Griffin LLC LinkedIn profile to highlight the company’s mission.

Environmental disasters, a world-wide pandemic, and extreme weather - our world presents more hazards than ever before. Local, tribal, state, and federal governments encourage their citizens to practice personal preparedness…read more

Working with Service Animals

A woman in a wheel chair with a yellow dress holds the leash of a black service dog with a blue vest on a grassy area.

This article was published on the Natural Hazards Center website in conjunction with Griffin’s service animal training.

Ideally, people would never have contact with a service animal unless it was their own. This can make it difficult in emergencies, however, when responders might need to interact with an animal whose owner needs help…read more

Strength in Vulnerability

Charlotte will be delivering this presentation at the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) 2022 Conference

Join Griffin Director of Operations Charlotte Stasio for an interactive and engaging conversation about mental health challenges faced by first responders. Charlotte will provide best practices for responders…read more